Ellen Burnham , MD, MSc
Dr. Burnham is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, at the University of Colorado. Her research focuses on understanding the relationship between alcohol misuse and the development of pulmonary diseases including pneumonia and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. She has been the Principal Investigator for a clinically oriented NIH funded research resource, known as the Colorado Pulmonary Alcohol Research Collaborative (CoPARC) supporting translational research in the field. Additionally, she serves as an investigator in multi-center clinical trials testing therapies for ARDS and sepsis, including COVIID-19. Dr. Burnham is currently the Program Director for the Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s K12 Program, and a Co-PI for University of Colorado’s T32 supporting multi-disciplinary research training in respiratory disease.